Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Sorry not the best of pictures in the world, but I forgot to take a picture until I was outside travelling on the back of a motor bike.
It was really great to get an opportunity to visit the school, a Thai High School with a special English programme for 80 students. I will be teaching science in English and conversational English.
I was very impressed/shocked by the organisation of the school. I met the other English/science teacher she is from the Philipines I think we will get on very well. I'm excited about getting to know the students and theachers
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Monday, January 23, 2006

Rice, Rice, Rice – Yes Thai people do eat rice three times a day. Much as I like rice, 3 times is a little bit too much for me. I have toast for brecky, I’ve made this museli kind of mixture which is very nice also. Rice or noodles for lunch. Dinner depends sometimes I’ll have some more rice or some fruit, there are lots of yummy and unusual types here, more bout that later!! : ) There are also lots of different varieties but it all looks the same to me!!!
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Saturday, January 21, 2006

Spending this week and next week doing orientation to the culture. This has been a gentle break in for me, as I know a lot of this already, but have learnt some new things also. Being here before is very helpful. I know my way about and know some people here.
The girl on the left is Lili she is from Germany and my house mate, she's great.
The others are a family from the Philipines
Hello everybody
I have arrive safe and well in Thailand.
I feel like I'm back home : )
Trying to post some photos but don't seem to be having much success so far!!
I have arrive safe and well in Thailand.
I feel like I'm back home : )
Trying to post some photos but don't seem to be having much success so far!!