Rice, Rice, Rice – Yes Thai people do eat rice three times a day. Much as I like rice, 3 times is a little bit too much for me. I have toast for brecky, I’ve made this museli kind of mixture which is very nice also. Rice or noodles for lunch. Dinner depends sometimes I’ll have some more rice or some fruit, there are lots of yummy and unusual types here, more bout that later!! : ) There are also lots of different varieties but it all looks the same to me!!!
Jaja, das kenne ich. Alle Reissorgen sehen gleich aus und schmecken auch gleich. Ausser Klebereis natürlich. Das ist der Beste. Nachtisch halt...
Opps - The comment above this one was me...
And i made a spelling mistake. It should be Reissorten not Reissorgen
the tahi would say 'no no no'
the thai would say "no, no, no"
sorry didn't realise it was actually working!!!
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