Monday, August 21, 2006

Expect the unexpected As I've shared before the unexpected often happens here in Thailand. My friend Evonne stayed with me for a dew days last week and she took this photo last Tuesday. I didn't realised that in a few hours my life would change rather dramatically. Rolf and Elfi who work here will have have to return home to Switzerland sooner than expected (in a few weeks).

So I can't stay here by myself. Although I will be very very sad to leave here I am begining to see what God has in store for the future and am starting to get excited about that. Will keep you posted about future plans.

The market I was riding though the market last night and thouht I haven't taken many photo's of the market. So here are some at rush hour! about 5 o'clock is the time that everyone comes to the market or 6 in the morning!! but I'm not there for that occasion often!!! It's coolest at this time everyone has finished work and it's not dark yet.

SCIENCE FAIR Last week they had a science fair at school. This is some of the things that they got up to.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Working hard One of my classes actually working which is an unusual sight!!!

Saturday Shopping went to the market yesterday to buy some things that I've needed for a while but wasn't quite sure how I would get them back. Bins, a long brush and a sofa bed kind of thing!!! So I came up with the action plan to ride my motorbike to the market and get a saam lor (taxi) back, but no no, the man who I bought the things from came out with some rope. Took the head of the brush. Attached the sofa bed thing to the back with some string, stuck the post of brush through string and put the brush part in my basket and I put the bins in a bag around the handle - perfect!!! Got a few funny looks - the Thais are used to seeing foreigners here but not ones with lots of things attached to the back of their motorcycle like a Thai!!!!

Plaa my language helper and friend. Standing at her house. Reason why I lauged when Dr Johnston told me if I had flu like symptoms to avoid going near chickens, which might be a simple enough task on a package holiday but not when you are living in real Thailand!!!