Saturday, January 27, 2007

Making Rain
Not something that I’m familiar with coming from the green Isle of Ireland. But that’s exactly what happened on Monday – the King made rain!!!! Yes I am being serious. When it rained on Monday I was a little supprised as it’s supposed to be cool season followed by hot season, and then rainy season, so it shouldn’t really rain until end of Aprill/May. So apparently we are in a state of drought which I find a bit strange as we had a very rainy long “rainy season”. . So on Monday lots of planes flew over our province and caused it to rain. Strange but true!! For more technical details or if you think I’m absolutely mad then have a look at the BBC website if they say it in the BBC news it must be correct!!!!! PS my Thai friend who is watching me write this article is very amused that the BBC is reporting this about Thailand. Because in Thai news they only report what is happening in Thailand, and only a little bit about other countries.

Monday, January 15, 2007

“A change is as good as a holiday” don’t know where this saying/theory came from but I decided to put it to the test this last week. Swapping students for eight under fives!! I had a fun week playing in the sand pit, blowing lots of bubbles painting the fence with water and reading my favourite story “The hungry caterpillar” lots of times!!! Maybe that was what my year in the nursery was all about training for this event!! So is “a change as good as a holiday” By the end of the week I was absolutely wrecked physically and mentally but yes in a strange way I did feel a little refreshed after a child free weekend!! : ) But not quite a week by the sea – side even though I did get a bit wet when someone knocked over the water cooler!!

Monday, January 08, 2007

Mae Hong Song in pictures - I managed to get hold of someone who is computer literate and who was able to help me get connected here in Bangkok.

Happy 21st Birthday Nam - to celebrate his Birthday we had a DVD and Korean BBQ on the roof!!

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Happy New Year
I spent the New Year in Chiang Mai stopping on my return journey from up north Mae Hong Song – which is very close to the border with Burma. I was supposed to be getting a train early in the morning back to Nakhon Sawan but it was delayed for 4 and a half hours. The most shocking thing I think as I reflect on this that I was really not that concerned or surprised when I was told this!! It’s Thailand generally nothing happens on time!!!

I am away this week in Bangkok, somehow managed to get myself signed up for taking care of the children at a conference 8 under 3’s so they say that ‘a change is as good as a holiday’ so I shall report back at the end of the week if this is indeed true or not. As I am in Bangkok I am having problems using my own computer but due to my technical in capabilities am unable to use it so you’ll have to wait a while to get the pics from my visit up north.

So had a really lovely few days with Beth, Faye and Lilli, who where all at language school in Lopburi with me. Had a great time catching up and drinking coffee. It was really, really cold at night.! I had a proper duvet and my jumper on and a hot water bottle it was bliss. In the evenings I got all my layers on and snuggled up in front of the TV and was introduced to Greys Anatomy. I also really enjoyed the quietness and stillness and beauty of Mae Hong Song. One morning I went for a walk with my jumper and scarf – the simple pleasures. I also really enjoyed some ‘farnag’ ‘foreign food’ a great high light was having an oil and vinegar dressing on my salad in normal Thailand it’s a bit like salad cream which I don’t particularly like!! So all and all a very very enjoyable trip : )