Monday, December 25, 2006

Cold Season has arrived at long last : ) The temperature at night falls to about 19.C a few weeks ago it was still 30+ at night so 19 feels very cold indeed, so I had to go and do some shopping. As I only had one jumper.

I am also on my way up north tonight where it is even colder!!

And Christmas Day I spent Christmas day in Uthai Thani (about 45 mins from here) with the Trelogan family who I spent time with when I was sick. Claudia was also there she is from Switzerland so we had cheese fondue which was really really nice: ) I also had a big Christmas dinner the night before but for forgot to take some pictures!!!

Christmas celebration number 2 - Sunday in Church from 9 in the morning until 2 in the afternoon!!! Thankfully I did not go carol singing which started at six in the evening and finshed at five in the morning.

Christmas Celebration number 1 - On Saturday all the central Thailand student ministry team met up to have a time of fellowship singing playing games and eating of course a "fusion" or "confusion" buffet!!

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christian Union (CU) Carol Service at Youth House

Christmas Party at the Youth House

Church Christmas Youth Party

Christmas in Thailand
Lots of opportunities to share the Gospel. I went to another town in Nakhon Sawan province yeseterday. The Church there is well respected in the community and was asked to organise lead a day of activities in a primary school. A group of us went taught a little English, but most importantly we were able to share the real meaning of Christmas with about 200 kids and teachers. They then entertained us with some Thai dancing.


Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Christmas Evangelistic Fun Camp
We had lots of fun eating, playing games, and most imporatntly sharing the real meaning of Christmas - which was new for many of these students!!

Monday, December 04, 2006

I met Dear this week she has been studying the Bible for a year. On Sunday she went to Church for the first time : )

Party in the Park
Last Saturday we had a Party in the Park. We had a hunt the worker type thing only two groups found me!! We played lots of games. We had a Korean BBQ you put meat on top and veg and noodles in the soupy bit very delicous. There were about 60 people there mainly non Christians. The foreigners are a group from New Zealand who have come to help for this month.

Bible Study
We started off with 1 for English and 10 for Bible study. We had one group study in English Thai and the other in Chinese. They had never heard of Jesus before. The first time they held a Bible!!

Sunday, December 03, 2006

Nakhon Sawan - last week I went up a hill of course there was a temple at the top and this is the view. Nakhon Sawan has the same population as Belfast apparently, but it's much more compact!! It's got a really large Chineese population.

Afternoon Tea in Malaysia - this was a really nice treat when I went to get my visa : )