Train to Serve (T2S)
This is the new training scheme that I am part of. Last week we went away for a week of training. Firstly let me introduce you to everyone in the picture. Starting at the front and who you know!!
Front left Hannah (from England working alongside me for 3 months) Caroline (England just finished first year language helping the Thai couple behind for the next few months.
Thai Couple behind me Buk (female) a (male) student workers at youth house in Lopburi.
In the middle Ann and Johnny Mclean (team leaders work in Nakhon Sawan) with their three kids Joshua (baby) Matthew and Bethan (never a dull moment with these three!!!
The other Thai guy Off – student worker in Pitsanuloke with his wife Pueng (means Bee)
At the very back Steve – the guy who worked in Sukothai at the boys hostel and who’s parents I stayed with when I was sick.
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