Floods and more floods
Rainy season should be finished by now but it hasn’t, it also started earlier than normal so as a result the rivers are very very full. The government don’t want Bangkok(capital) to flood so they release water into places in central Thailand which aren’t so important ie where I used to work – Sukothai and where I now work Nakhon Sawan.
Everywhere we went the floods seemed to follow us!! First my parents came to Sukothai – flooding. Then we went to Nakhon Sawan and more flooding!! On the second night in Nakhon Sawan I woke up about three o’clock and realised it was raining quite heavily. Before we went to bed the rivers where very very full so when I realised that it was raining I said a quick prayer that people would be safe. Unknown to me the rest of the household where up and carrying everything from downstairs up stairs, as they feared that the water would come into the house. I slept on. Woke up the next morning looked out the window and saw that the road was very badly flooded!! This is a picture of mum wading through the water to get to the main road which wasn’t flooded so that we could get to the bus station to go to Bangkok.
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