IT NEVER RAINS BUT IT POURS!!!Little piece of advice!! If you ever find yourself in Thailand and it has been very hot weather and it cools down slightly do not think oh it would be nice to go for a little bike ride and eat out somewhere!!!! Don’t do it, go home immediately do not go outside, and perhaps take all valuable items to the highest area of your house.
Yes I foolishly did the above taking my poor house mate with me.
Piece of advice number two, when it starts to rain do not think if you wait for ten minutes it will get better.
In ten minutes there was a full scale lightning and thunderstorm outside. Hmm maybe we should wait until the lightning stops. Is it safe to ride a bicycle during a lightening storm – I don’t know Northern Ireland isn’t exactly a tropical country so I’m not familiar with this protocol.
One and a half hours later the street outside had become a river and the river was beginning to come into the restaurant.
Eventually decided it was time to go thunder or no thunder and whether it was safe or not to take ones bicycle did not matter by this stage as it wasn’t possible to cycle through, so off came the shoes and off we went on our little feet (well rather big feet especially by Thai standards)!!!Yes we were quite a sight whenever got home – sorry to disappoint no photographical evidence!!! Oh the table to the left is were we were dining but we gradually moved further and further back!!! Oh other piece of information this is actually a very nice restaurant it is close to language school and it is very tasty so I eat here often.
I laughed out loud reading this just now. Claire...I bet you wish you had taken your own advice and not gone out last night! Ha! Hope you got home okay.
hmm yes me too
For those who are a bit confused.
One week later to flood nuber one.
My director from Ireland came to visit, I took him out for dinner, as we were leaving thought _ I think it might rain, but we'll go somewhere indoors so it will be fine, also made sure we had umbrellas!!
Came out of restaurant - oh it musn't be raining let's go to the market and get some hot milk.
Yes I think you can guess what happens next just as the milk arrives so does the rain!!! Very heavily. I also had very clerverly suggested that we leave our bicycles with the umbrellas in the basket, at the other side of the market as it's a very busy round about. ANyway three hours later we were cycling home through knee deep floods with our umbrellas in the air!!!!
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