Let Go!!!
When I was riding my scooter at first when I got into trouble and needed to slow down/stop, my reaction was to hold on tighter. This was not a good thing to do because the more I clung onto the handle the faster the bike went. I knew I needed to let go but it felt safer to hold on. The more often I let go of the handle the more I realise that this is the best thing to do, and the next time I let go that little bit quicker, but it’s still difficult to let go.
Today I have been thinking about the parallel of this with my life. It feels safe to hold on to the securities of this world (a career, money, people etc..) but yet I know that it is wise to let go. I know that this is what God tells me all of us to do. “Do not conform any longer to the patterns of this world, then you will know God’s good and perfect will” In the world’s eyes this seems very foolish but in God’s eyes this is the best thing to do. Sometimes it takes a long time for the message to get from the hand to the brain – “Let go”. The more I let go of my securities and hand them over to God the more I realise that this is the best thing to do, but it’s still difficult to let go.
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