Lighting candles
Many people all over Thailand met last night to light a candle(of course yellow) for the King.
I went along to the town hall with some of the teachers and students from school. However I decided not to light a candle. The reason – The King is really seen as a God also. It goes beyond showing repect to him, they really also worship him and pray to him. In Buddhist cermonies they would light candles in a similar way. So for me I decided it was too much like showing I was worshipping the King of Thailand. I explained this to the teachers that I wanted to show respect to the King by being there and wearing the shirt - but that I did not want to light a candle because in my eyes this was an act of worship, and I did not want to worship any other God. It really made me think how difficult ceremonies like this are for Thai Christian teachers. Remaining Thai but only worshiping the King of Kings.
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